Cyber Smart Week 2022


The world of cyber security is fast-moving and complex. Online threats and scams like phishing, virus, ransomware, etc can impact anyone. As the time we’re spending online increases, so do the security risks.

CERT NZ is the New Zealand government funded Cyber Emergency Response Team. It joins with other people and organisations who are already working in this space, to help New Zealand better understand and stay resilient to cyber security threats. Their latest data shows that online security incident reports are up 48% from this time last year. This has potential impact on finances and operational capability.

Every year, they run a marketing campaign called ‘Cyber Smart Week’ to highlight what can be done to improve cyber-security.

This year’s campaign focused on four simple steps to help individuals and businesses take their online security to the NEXT LEVEL.

The expectation is that when you implement these measures, the risk of experiencing an incident is much lower, and the impact on those that are attacked is reduced.

Once again, Thistle Tech has partnered with @CERTNZ to help spread the good word. Here’s a summary of the messages for this year’s Cyber Smart Week.



Strengthen your password game by making your passwords harder to crack.

Take your online security game to the NEXT LEVEL by using long, strong and unique passwords for each of your online accounts – 15 characters or more is key!

It can be tricky coming up with strong passwords, so try using passphrases instead – a random phrase of four or more words, for example: BeastModeNowActivated

They’re easy to remember but hard for attackers to crack!

Cyber Smart Week 2022 - Passwords
Cyber Smart Week 2022 - 2FA

Two Factor Authentication

Power up by turning on two-factor authentication and keep attackers out of your online accounts with a second layer of defence.

Double down and protect your online accounts from break-ins with two-factor authentication (2FA). It’s like a secret key for your online accounts that’s used on top of your password.

It’s usually a unique code sent to your phone or taken from an app that only you have access to. Having 2FA turned on means even if an attacker gets your login details, they still won’t get in. It’s like double locking your door.


Update to full strength! Activate auto updates on apps and devices to defend against cyber baddies.

Updates aren’t just about getting the latest features available on apps and devices; they also protect you from any weaknesses that could let attackers in. They help keep your apps and devices healthy.

The easiest way to do this is by going to settings and turning on automatic updates – then you just let it do its thing.

Cyber Smart Week 2022 - Updates
Cyber Smart Week 2022 - Privacy


Boost your privacy defence!

Switch social media settings to private to protect your personal info.

Your personal information is valuable to attackers.

Make sure your social media settings are switched over to ‘Private’ or ‘Friends only’ – this way, you can control who sees the content you share.

Need More Help?

As always, for advice on any aspect of cyber-security – from building a comprehensive framework for your company, to implementing simple measures to protect your devices – get in touch with us here at Thistle Tech using the button below. 

For more information on CERT NZ, visit their website at:

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